Once after you create an account, reward is automatically earned and accumulated every time you make a purchase online. Please be sure to sign in before making a purchase. If you are already a registered customer in-store, you do not need to create account online again.
Loyalty Rewards
Our way of thanking loyal customers
Start earning 5% Cash Credit
Reward every time you shop
Earn Points
Spend $1 = Earn 5 Points
As a KoKo Rewards member, you earn 5% back on every purchase
Redeem Points
500 points
1000 points
1500 points
Log in to your account to redeem points for KoKo Cash Credit (automatically applied at checkout)
How Do I earn reward?
Does it expire?
Yes, it expires one year from the date of purchase. We send text reminder one month prior to any reward is to be expired.
Can I share my reward with someone?
No, but exception is made for any direct family members.
Enjoy Beauty Care Services
These highly recommended beauty care services are offered exclusively to our reward customers as a reward option.